Monday 8 December 2008

Lessons about Feminism from a Virulent Feminist Hater

Via small dead brains, we find out that self-righteous rightwing political zealots never spare the hyperbole when they deign to shrieeekkk about sexism.

Never mind that this one gets downright hissy when it's pointed out to him the faux outrage he claims in the name of women's rights, regarding a 'sexual assault' he compares to the gang rape depicted in "The Accused" is actually a disgraceful, dumb and drunken gesture directed at a cardboard figure.

For which an apology has been issued.

It is so instructive how right-wing ideologues such as Andrew Breitbart trivialize the real, harmful and life-threatening violence that is done to girls and women when they use their deliberately wrong-headed understanding of feminism as a weapon to batter their political opponents.

The pic of Breitbart was found at LoneStarBear.

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