Friday 28 November 2008

pray prey pray prey

Ohmigawd!! The TV news is full of it! Government might fall. Vote of no confidence expected. Budget rejected. Coalition a possibility.

Well, some guys just never learn, y'know. There's the Harpocons with a minority government still trying to act as if they had a landslide majority, playing "chicken" with the other three parties, threatening they'll go down in flames, if need be, and plunge us into another multi-million dollar waste of time if they don't get their own way. And there are the other three parties posturing like bantam cocks showing their stuff to a flock of absolutely disinterested hens. Cock a doodle dooo-dooo.

The budget which was handed down and subsequently rejected did nothing at all to in any way respond to the world-wide economic melt-down.

Well, quite inadvertantly, I'm sure, the Con(victs I wish) might, for perhaps the first time since they came on scene, be telling the truth. It might be they're doing nothing because nothing can really be done!

The Excited States is pouring trillions of dollars into a bail-out plan which looks to be rewarding the nabobs who made the mess while leaving the people facing foreclosure shit-outta-luck. Tax money diverted to bail out the five major banks? Oh, I rather think not, thank you.

Those five major banks have been ripping it off our backs in great bleeding strips for too many years. Service charges on this , on that, and on the next thing. Tax breaks for them which aren't available for the rest of us. Declared profits year after year which leave a person feeling stunned and helpless.

And now they've outsmarted themselves and they want more of our munny? BLANCHE says stuff that idea right up your basic fundaments and let's get serious here. Instead of bailing out banks and mortgage companies , instead of pouring money into the rat hole that is the stock market, simply guarantee that the country will guarantee the mortgages on peoples' homes. Give the security to the workies, not to the brain trust which has been so swift it has met itself coming back.

But when was the last time any government actually did something to benefit the people whose jobs are evaporating in the heat of this flaming mess?

Oh, they talk a good line. How often do they do what they promised, how ofen do they back up their hot air with real action.

No, Harpo and his happy men are going to "economize". Their idea of doing that is to further cut social programmes.

That's going to be a big help. Dearie me, yes, just what we need, more cuts to programmes which aid and assist women, children, the sick, and the poor. That'll fix the whole mess. Continue to put money into the military machine. Keep their noses firmly affixed to the butt crack of Dubya and his minions. Yep, that'll do'er.

BLANCHE has long felt that the true welfare programme in this nation is the House Of Commons. We seem to pick the biggest dolts available and ship'em off to Ottawa to circlejerk and fuckfest to no good avail.

Oh well, I guess it keeps them off our streets and out of our hair back home. Too useless to actually contribute? Send'em off to Ottawa!

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